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For the Animals, for the Planet, for Humanity


2015 UN Climate Conference must address the impact of animal agriculture on climate change

The Climate Petition Partners are leaders of communities  and organizations who recognize the importance of effectively addressing the issue of animal agriculture on climate change at the Paris Climate Summit in November. The Climate Petition Partners endorse this petition and advocate for it within their communities. We look forward to adding your voice to the Climate Petition Partners on behalf of the animals and the planet.   (To Become a partner - please click here) 


Louise van der Merwe, of Animal voice and Compassion in World Farming South Africa will personally deliver the petition document we created, to Leading South African Environmental Rights lawyer Cormac Cullinan.


Cormac Cullinan has been selected to preside as president of a panel of judges at a tribunal in Paris to hear testimony on the wilful destruction of nature that is allowed by governments and corporations the world over.


The International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature  will run concurrently with the UN Climate Change conference, COP21, at Maison des Metallos in Paris.

Petition Document - Click to read PDF
Cormac Cullinan

Cormac Cullinan has agreed to pass the petition document on to Ban Ki Moon and another relevant leader of the Climate Summit.  I also  took the opportunity to write a letter to him in his formal role as president of the Tribunal and to the panel of judges asking that they address the issue of ecocide caused by animal agriculture.


One of the main challenges aside from gathering signatures for a petition on this controversial issue was to find the right channel to the relevant leaders. We could not have asked for a more precise pathway to manifest. The synchronicities involved are truly extraordinary. Thank you Louise for leading this connection and enabling it to happen.


Letter to Cormac
Cullinan and the tribunal
Click to read the PDF
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