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Together in Creation:

for the healing and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants

The vision: A healthy, vibrant planet where all humans thrive in harmony with other species.

The context: Our current mindset and systems are destroying the health and security of people and of all life on the planet. We need an entirely new system!

The challenge: To co-create an entirely new organizing system aligned with ecological wisdom that can effectively heal the damage we have caused and lay the foundations for a thriving future.

The opportunity: The crumbling of current systems and growth of grass-roots solution oriented movements across the world working for the benefit of all.

The strategy: cultivating conceptual and technological pathways for best organizing global efforts dedicated to the healing of the planet and all its inhabitants.

A global movement for thriving people and planet

Together in Creation:

A global movement

for the healing and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants

Co-creating a new system of global governance -

that puts the health and vitality of our

global eco-system as its purpose and organizing principle.

1. applying the reality of our ecological interconnectedness to all decisions

2. cultivates loving-kindness, human wisdom and Life enhancing creativity as the core values.

3. Constantly resonant, responsive and fine-tuning the system towards optimal health and harmony in diversity

Applies the reality of our ecological interconnectedness and the health of the entire system as the purpose and organizing principle of the new system.

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